Aluminum escape doors are used for emergencies to ensure proper and rapid evacuation of buildings. Profiles are available for single or double glazing, but it is also possible to create stable structures to cover building facades or to create interior partitions.
Categories of burglary protection
RC1: Protection against space burglary by using physical violence such as kicks, shoulder blows.
RC2: Protection against space burglary by using simple tools such as screwdrivers and crankshafts.
RC3: Protection against space burglary by using specialized tools such as screwdriver and crowbar.
RC4: Protection against space burglary by using cutting and impact tools such as pickaxe, crowbar, hammer, sharpener and electric saw.
At IOKA we design and install escape doors in your area.
All IOKA products are delivered accompanied by their relevant, official certification of grading.
Contact our sales department: Τ +30 2310 351 100 Ε